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Sophie's Bake Sale Wrap-Up!

With your help, I was able to raise over $8,000...
far exceeding my 2016 goal!


I would like to thank all my friends and family for supporting this great cause! I am thrilled to announce that my bake sale, along with donations made through my website, raised over $8,000! My goal was to raise $6,000 to cover the cost of a new motorbike for Grevy's Zebra Trust; but with everyone's generous donations and bake sale purchases, they'll be able to do so much more! And, for that, I thank YOU!

I was honored and humbled to host a few special guests at my bake sale this year: Peter Lalampaa from Grevy's Zebra Trust in Africa, Rene Bumpass, Sr. Director Conservation Programs at the Houston Zoo, and Rick Barongi, former Executive Director at the Houston Zoo, and Peter Riger. They all have inspired me in my conservation efforts!

Thank You!

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© 2016 by Sophie Kalmin. Cookies for Conservation. Houston, Texas.                                                         This site designed by Tamara Hancock.

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